Thursday, December 2, 2010

Swatch Of Lorac Blushes

smoke and be the last we'll

I smoke. Yes, I am a smoker and hateful villain, and I will be even more when I say that for the moment I have no intention of quitting.

The latest anti-smoking laws (in force in Spain on January 2, 2011) left me wondering what the price of a healthy lifestyle and no vices.
Our health is important, like the others, I know, but there are some liberties that should not be banned.
The snuff is not a right but a privilege that each year he is increasing its restrictions to the public. Posters of "Smoking is bad," "Stop Smoking", "This woman is pregnant and smokes!" watching the snuff kills slowly become more and more common in our cities and televisions.
absurd laws such as banning smoking in parks or tails (even if they are outdoors) makes me think that it is only a diversion, a distraction to keep us worried about ourselves and not other things.
I know how hard it is to the snuff, but I also believe in choice and public education. And I will not go to a maternity ward to smoke a cigarette (although could) do not expect someone comes to me in the queue dela bus and tell me to shut my cigar because it is forbidden.
I know has cancer, angina, emphysema, cardiovascular problems and that causes addiction among others, but I also know that as bad are trans fats, artificial sweeteners and preservatives (not to mention the pesticides and chemical "green"), and if I stop to name the details of alcohol ... everyone would suffer.

Yes, I think a bar should be chosen (as set out now) whether you can smoke or not and that mold to their clients made; also think that smoking is something that has been done for a long time and has made significant revenues to state coffers. I think that after the smoking ban will all be required to keep our numbers PowerBalance DNI. Of course, this is only my opinion and I am only a fan of black movies do not understand how people can live as long as you can tell what services.
no longer exists "Bread & Circus" for the people.

In the 50's thought that smoking was a covering of virtues and giving vitamins and calcium. Today it has been shown to cause cancer and more diseases, so ask yourself: What will kill you in 50 years?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Old Tokidoki Backpack

read me ..

Who is undermining whom? ...
I'm still keeping you up to where I can, in limbo ... not know which side I want you ... not knowing how much longer I can do it ... how much time I have left ...
're constantly trying to pull off what are my "props" ... vigilant against "my fairy", "witches", "I them" without knowing what they embody ...
We have different desires ... you want change ... think more like you, closer than they think they want to believe you have that "only truth" ... want to think like other ...
I want you to see ... I endeavor to show that there are other things around ... there is no "one truth ", if not true for everyone, made of what each can or leave it ...
not want you to think like me ... I do not seek to convince you that my way is better than yours ... I do not think it is ... I feel infinitely stupid treating ...
may not found a way to get to show anything yet ... maybe you're not too early to see ... maybe you lost the ability to see beyond your ideas "l @ s otr @ s" , because those ideas
I ate ... I need not explain analogies, of symbolism ... I read ... LEO of little stories ... those who talk of fairies, witches, people entangled with people of those that wake FEELINGS, these filthy tyrants of choices and attitudes ...
At times, I feel that for the short talk, listen too little ... or maybe just listen to me little by me, because I think that anything that can tell you is good enough to deserve more attention ... is a possibility ... More than penalties
washed and dried under high winds on sunny days behind me ... more than a baby spitting touched the world ... more than a shrew hearts of others chewing and spitting on the floor rather than infinite lack of control ... and much more infinite loneliness ... there is more than what you see ... a lot more than you can see with MI permission ...
need permission to walk through the hall of the ruined cottage where they live THEM MY (why to VOS NO that belief, they are my multiple personalities), and could not read anything of what I figured you'd be able to read ... I always thought that a good book is one that can be read in many ways and find a different meaning each time one reads it, every time I read a different person ... I see that I read so different from the others that I can think how good I am writing!

I TOLD I care ... I do not need illuminated signs to see you ... I do not want more pets (I reached with the two I have) ... that there is a gaping hole between the two and is all yours ... I hope

SEE say I do not mind ... you do not look for me to analyze it ... you will not convince me to live someone else's ideas, because I prefer that one ... that har my bridges will endure until ALL mines the foundations ... that there is poc @ s as I able to disarm the rainbow and retain the ability to see magic as well ... that the probability that be approached by similar @ @ twice is on the verge of uniqueness ...

Safe Creative #1012037989783

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Does Safeway Make A Doll Cake?

today, I'm Creep ...

Always seek what is different ... be different from the rest ... I stubbornly that happen ...
I really appreciated and all that was in my power to achieve my goal I did win ...
I look so different now than in the mirror hurts ... it hurts in the eyes of others ... it hurts both day and night ... pain in company and in solitude ...
condition me to choose what is difficult, more complicated ...
for all my losses raised altars to visit when the shadows clouding my surroundings ... I treasure all my disagreements
to take refuge in them, became the "anchor" my THEM ...
Cauntifiqué all my feelings and emotions so hard that my tears turned petty and covered with tar muscle center of my chest ... to be "less vulnerable" to other, more "antihuman" myself ...
I unfolded in all THEM accompany me now, with the desire that if something is already "broken" is almost impossible to keep breaking ...

And I was wrong I was wrong ... infinitely ...

I keep breaking ...

lost the ability to quantify what is really needed and my eyes are full of tears at times, me and my feelings betray if his guard down ... the pitch is falling ...

The old disagreements are attached to the new to drag when they feel like ...

My altars are in ruins, abandoning much as my tale ...

And at times I HATE

being so fucking


Safe Creative #1011277949571

Friday, November 12, 2010

Female Doctor Measure Penissize

Fall, as you co ....

Well, now I am writing to a single day of my trip to Ireland because of my mental rest and relaxation of social pressure surrounding.

These last few days I wanted to write about many things. Things like the positions that can take a man sleeping in bed with a woman which is one single bed (shown), classes of persons who are at a metal concert, tutorial to start making your own embroidered patches, chronic Concert Blind Guardian, 3 recommendations, movie, 2 book reviews and a new section of video game recommendation. Why
even any of that? Then out of laziness. The cold was dormant as a bear. Also because at least four of these issues and people talk too much.

After this slight introduction about what I'm doing and planning, I come to speak the hard fall in relationships.

happens that summer love fade away under the carpet the cold and what was burning passion to these dates it becomes distance and strangers.
tests, studies, jobs, birthday, family trips for Christmas .... precludes all healthy and appropriate use of a stable relationship and, therefore, becomes something as fragile as a walrus dancing figure skating on a frozen lake in Peru.

We all happened to have been abandoned (or have done) after what appeared to be an interesting relationship over the summer. Few today that you see with couples over two years and even fewer are those who see with the intention of owning something, but always happens when least expected talks and you find people with your same tastes, hobbies and passions. If this happens, the comfort and routine trap you in what we call a relationship!

you, I have three stages to follow:
  • Make it a one-night: Nothing will go beyond a momentary physical feeling. If you get a third time with him / her, passed this phase.
  • To transform on a roll: Admit it, how many times a roll was just a roll without one of them wanted something else?
  • you've started the beginning of a beautiful friendship ... relationship: Eventually all this becomes roll. Jealousy is skin-deep and you recognize yourself smiling more often than they're used, but you are well and happy.
Some people are not adapting to phase change and assumes that continue in the same even without talking to their partners. But Recognize them, a roll of more than 3 months and not a roll, is a pure relationship as understood today.

can always put images chorras
elements outside the relationship, such as loyalty, understanding or lack of interest on the partner can be determinants to achieve its unexpected ending, which brings me to my main subject today, my dears, after summer, autumn comes, and looked so good couples are separated from screaming, public fights, accusations and insults. Although
is also another kind of couple, that even though the discussions, jealousy, blame, and others, continue together and trying to be as caramel the world even though his constant fights ... I hate them with all my being.

Sit down and enjoy the show, if you read this and you feel identified with any of these characters are exposed to is your decision to continue this or change it.

"Everybody knows it's better by you, better than me" - Judas Priest / Better By You, Better Than Me

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Davids Cornflower Blue Dresses

me & Myself & my other self ...

NADA If this hurts so much, I do not remember how duelene my ALL ...
Because the homeless are no longer passengers ... because the disappointments are deepening ... because I did not choose to be on this Across the street ... because my comings and goings are as consistent as I bit and I complement ...
I never want to go through what hurts ALL ... because my they are not prepared for that so soon ... is infatuated when everything is over, if not completed to quantify what we took the last storm ... retain (and I hope it continues going) the illusion that they are just as whole, you do not notice the scars, that the penalties are washed with rain water and dried on a clear day ... if you do not retain some of them, I'm sure my parts are not arming could continue even with my little desire ...
I'm full of new ideas, dreams, of desire ... and yet also the sadness overwhelm me, the disagreements, disappointments ... I'm tired of looking in the mirror to the same deluded with more gray, less chimeras, abandoned by her fairy ... that reflection cancino an obligation to be less than it really is, to better match what you can not show the other ...
Someone told me that the world is divided into ideological and Idealist ... ideologues tend to be alone and feel infinitely sad ... accompanying idealists, they share something between them, have pairs, but living someone else's ideas ... the saddest part of the analogy is that you can not choose which side you want to be and realizes, only if it can do stand alone ...

Safe Creative #1011277949694

Monday, November 8, 2010

Restoril Overdose Lethal

Continuing: A piece of me, in list form.

November 9
As I wrap a blanket as pancake

129 .- I love to read manga. It makes me laugh and mourn, many times ... for things that only I could feel identified.

130 .- The weekend that just passed has been one of the rarest. Saturday died of heat with the 33 th and Sunday had me walking in the rain and wore long socks for the 13 th they had.

131 .- My room is the coldest of all Winter and Summer is the hottest.

132 .- I have 20 years, presumably and take part of my big decisions, but still feel I do not know my way to take in life.

133 .- Sometimes I do not want to go home, not because they have problems, it is only because I feel bad about myself, that I am worth and do not deserve anything.

134 .- I like to review the hands of others and compare them with mine.

135 .- Perhaps I've said it before, but I repeat, I like hands with long fingers.

136 .- I DO NOT like a birthday, but I like receiving gifts.

137 .- In these last days I remembered how much you used to write, is nostalgic to see how I have been away from something that I like.

138 .- Sometimes, when I'm alone on the subway, at certain seasons, I have fear of meeting someone known to you no longer want to see again.

139 .- For a couple of simple words that I said I feel that anyone who claims to be my friend, I do not really have confidence. I can not blame him, because I do not trust anyone.

140 .- Every time I hear a piano melody breaks my heart a little. I want to learn to play piano in order to fix my heart.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breakthrough Chicken Pox Images

my harpy

hate my cross and mislead them, you have to think about everything that was not, nor will ...
I hate to personify my confusion, my contradictions ... makes me feel infinitely susceptible to tod @ sl @ s otr @ s. .. I hate being so predictable
myself, so unwise as to allow me to escape me at times emotion and show me helpless against the rest ... I hate
days ESA idea haunts me before I woke up ... sneaks into my dreams crawling of the most stupid of my subconscious ...
loathe that my efforts are exhausted by lack of enthusiasm, because it seems to be nothing in the eyes of tod @ s, something better than THIS BE ...
drain I hate that day with the impression that part of what's really worth what it should have found about this ... in 25 years not yet learned to find things not looking ...
hate the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing so broken, my eyes are almost dry, my feelings are alternating, my emotions have the Fog which is not never gonna be good ...
I hate that my trips are much less than my lap, because lately I'm just where I do not want to be ... although I do not move ...
I hate my loneliness, even if you know you hate me if you do not have ... they're so part of me from who know when, if the erase, would be like erasing myself ... Maybe my

Fairy is not coming back ... Perhaps a
Witch now ensure that I have left ...
Maybe you're right and I'm closer to being a Harpy
a simple alpha , he learned nothing so far ...

Safe Creative #1011277949717

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Broken Blood Vessels On Scrotum

do you blocking? Bollocks! Work and Crime

say to the writer's block as best you can do is write a sentence. Any sentence. Whatever.
Once you do that you must develop the theme that you post with that sentence while correcting, modified, add and delete parts of the text you're writing at that moment. Given this assertion
technical writer I must say that I am reminded of an English word: Bollocks .

writer's block is just the mere accumulation of several factors such as stress, work, lack of personal life on which to write and the frank and pure laziness.

Recognize them, most who read this at some point in your life have had personal or you will have some sort of online social personality. You will have kept open and updated a photo, netlog, blog, devianart .... chorradita any state where you envision your thoughts with slightly smaller heads experiences too vague to remember that within 3 months (in the case of cogorza, 3 days).
Your experience will be possible again and again led to writer's block impidendoos continue with your tales and stories with the regularity you would wish, eventually leading to neglect and abandonment of the social life. Before such euthanasia

virtual we usually stay in search of something that he makes, whether a person who directs our complaints, a forum to share our thoughts and tastes like shit or another but with a greater illusion of popularity (ie change tuenti on facebook in a display of wit).

Savage Chickens on writer's block.

My locks are undone by many simple solutions. A list:
  • Psychotropic Drugs: Hard to get and something that I've never tried, but it sure could write cool things with them.
  • Alcohol: Easy, too easy. But my advice is not personal things when coding escribais drunk because they either are too personal or are too abuse.
  • deep or Epiphany Experience: A moment or event that causes a change in the paradigm that we all have within us. Easily avoidable with the second method.
  • Dream: Unlike the epiphany because it has a quality to the Martin Luther King gives you the power to modify it at will. Our dreams are our own and are as we want.
is obvious that we all take the tedium at some point and cut the wings that we have at the time of writing. I just hope that will not last and at least still falls enough gray matter in my brain for one more inning helpless.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Skin Different Color After Shaving

Well, I just fix what feels lonely blog lately about the lack of regular entries, but between gigs, plans and social life (maravilla! it turns out that I have social life), the blog is a slight hiatus. For those who ask me about the new blog will tell you that I'm riding now, the css is almost ready, but I need the name, the banner and templates for cd's, so .... you know, if you have ideas, communicate.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Much Colyte Do You Have To Drink

... OUT ...

He put the phone in tears ... Another round but lost ... another small setback for the collection came from was arming twenty-five years ...
why everything cost so much? ... Why it had to fight both for everything? ... Why was so fleeting and protections such immense solitudes? ... Anxiety conmenzó
to grow in the chest ... it felt like a vast shadow spread fast and voracious, wiping the tears of a sudden, through no fault devouring ...
He felt increasingly "anti-human" ... still could not mourn ... still dwarfed little feeling that you were ...
lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke slowly ... the distance was heard the siren of an ambulance ...
- come and get me? Know I'm dying? ... -
The sound is fast approaching ...
- comes for me, certainly come to save -
I saw the ambulance approaching at full speed ... more ... closer ...
- At last they came ...-
Without hesitation was launched in front of it, knowing that their illnesses had just been there ... that way ...

Safe Creative #1011277949700

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Masterbation For Esbians

5 centimeters per second sleeve adapted for

It has become common to talk constantly about Makoto Shinkai, but simply .... I love him. Maybe I should make this blog dedicated only to him, hahaha.

was reading one of my beloved chapters of the manga: "My Girl," Mizu Sahara (one of my favorite mangaka, perhaps the one I like) ... in that, while searching I found out more chapters the drama is already done (here is the link where I found: # comment-195 )

To my great and pleasant surprise, end up doing this picture, as there was no where appeared at the same time the real version with the animated.

But how do you connect with Makoto Shinkai Sahara Mizu? ... turns out she was in charge of adapting the manga two Shinkai's work so far I've only found one (Hoshi no Koe: Voices of a Distant Star).

Thus, between link and link, I learned the great news, 5 Centimeters per Second is being made into a manga, this time, is in charge of Yukiko Seike (does not sound, so it must be reported). I just learned, but still I was a little disappointed, I would have loved to Mizu Sahara further adjustments, I wonder why they done it.
The serialized adaptation has started from June, edition of the magazine: Monthly publisher Kodansha Afternoon, therefore, has already left the first chapter and so far only been able to find this image.

"When I started writing messages you never sent?

How fast should I live to see you again?

After graduating from elementary school, Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari went their separate ways despite what they felt about each other. All that passed between them was time. One day, amidst a snowstorm, Takaki finally went to see Akari ... "

And there's the synopsis that have given the manga, with that I feel more satisfied as they have used one of my favorite quotes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gallery Di Kemang Untuk Foto Prewed

note, I'm looking for people understood the song to open another blog dedicated to cd's and criticism of them in the underground world. I need people who know their stuff and have good recommendations from all genres of metal. I just could put heavy, power and doom and the occasional thrash, but there are many other genres that would not cover.

only required to know how to write a decent and tell why they recommend this album / band, the rest (of graphics, editing posts, design and other technicalities) I'll take care. If there is any interest, to contact me here or email.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Color Sofa Goes With Dark Floor

After many moons ... (1 º parte)

time ago to stop writing in this blog, even thought about closing it, but the truth is that amazes me deeply that there are still people who visit, I appreciate it and I'm very excited.

Finally! As a long time, there are many things I've read and seen. Go to the movies lately (at least) once or twice a week and I read a book every two weeks (the university consumes me some time), so it makes a list of those who, in his time, left me more impressed and separare by parts (inputs). Part 1,


Koizora (Sky of Love) released in a Valentine's Day, back in Japan during the Fall of 2007. Not for nothing, but above all, I must say that the Nipponese are true masochists.

history? He speaks mainly of Mika. An intelligent and shy girl that every girl in high school and wants to find his sweet first love (a very common theme in shoujo). Thus, unexpectedly, he meets Hiro (by saying their name and I am suffering). East however, is the typical young "problem" schools, those who try to avoid since there are always strange rumors about him.

Until then, it will be understood that what is presented is just the typical story of bad boy who falls for good girl ... a well trodden and worn theme, but still has good effects. So before continuing, I must say it's a corny story, even to be predictable, but we like the simple and gentle treatment that gives the relationship of the characters, besides being very well acted, which thrills and stabs the heart more than once.

Thus, while closer we get to the end, more difficult for us to conceal the tears that escape our eyes, we end up spending our box of tissues, suffering from Hiro, hoping some miracle happens and avoid the inevitable. That is, in short, this is a movie to mourn for a while but somehow leaves you feeling fresh and even takes you to see it twice to return to see Hiro, because in the end you end up falling in love with it (if you are a woman of course ... well, although today's times, you can also apply to men xD).

Finally, although we know that is one of the "typical movies that offer nothing very new, anyway succeeds like, since we are designed to move us with such simple situations, almost real and in some (albeit) small aspect we can identify.

This film version is based on the original novel of "Mika" and already has its version of series (drama), which was assisted by the same author in order to delve into details of the story. This production is certainly more complete, but that means that we suffer and enjoy more, anyway I saw it, but personally, I prefer thousand times the movie.

Finally, I must admit I saw this production motivated by its protagonist, Haruma Miura, Kazehaya as he will play in "Kimi ni todoke" (movie based on one of my favorite manga), so you should test the waters to see if he approved or not (successfully passed the test) .


Friday, September 3, 2010

Wrap Around Headrest Power Chair

expansionist ideas Misantropía Series: Vicious Rumors

And it seems that today everyone hates each other. Friend against friend and brother against brother.
funny thing about this is that it is predictable. Virtually no one tribe is where social hypocrisy, deceit and rumors are not evident in all sides (though perhaps the Jesuits ....).
for once not talking about me, I speak of all the states that I present in tuenti, facebook, netlog and other social circles. So .... What drives people to spread rumors?

I've always wondered and now I will put that I think are the reasons in order of how I think of:
  • Hate: "The first casualty in a war is always the truth, "said This Aeschylus (if I'm wrong, Correct my, please). Sometimes the visceral hatred leads to the creation of antisocial lies that allow the perfect flow of our inner hatred. I hate, that you defamed.
  • Envy: "If envy was ringworm, few mangy would" The popular saying puts it, we all have people envy. Whether by their possessions, their membership in social clubs or way to be all covet what we want and do not have. Knowing this, lampooned and annoy people with our jokes after downplaying our envy.
  • Disinformation: "Why find out about things when I can invent" Curiously, the journalist said this was correct full sentence. Most people who suffer from social grudges often due to this section because almost nobody cares enough to try things they discover. Few things would have settled for simply ask before broadcast.
  • Effect "Snowball" "A lie is like a snowball, the longer wheel, the larger it becomes" of Luther. This theory expose a fact: when we have something and people overdo it gradually to transform snowballed into a huge avalanche.
insurance These and some more that I left in the ink found in which to me are the major reasons for the fallacy. In those characters who survive through the existence of rumors just give you two choices: Ignoradles or convert these lies in truth. And believe me, many times to know the face that stays with people when you tell them it's true what they say about you is very satisfying.

─ "Beware the wrath of the Norsemen and the comments of Facebook"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Apply For Jobs Before Graduation

Summer in the City

Well, the summer is almost nearing completion and it is now when people are most boring.
practical developments of the talks degenerated into a hodgepodge of anecdotes German, English, and above all (and I do not know what way this year ...) Florentine.
I've been left like a dog locked in my house without much else to do but read, watch movies or enjoy music. With everyone out and prefer to save kittens deserts staying in my sweet home.

And now we enter the holiday period a huge concert where a lot of bands have agreed to get me out of money and can not visit them. Alice Cooper, Blind Guardian, Motorhead, Korpiklaani, Pretty Maids, Cathedral ..... through balls and bands that I have to beg, prostitute or commit crimes to afford the ticket price .... but hey, I always will be people who tells me its magnificent trip to places that do not interest me or the wonderful groups that have been and are still not interested.

Obviously many ideas going through my head, but from heat, boredom, exhaustion, insomnia and poor motivation plasmo very few of them on this site and just read it. However I am always here to step back a little stream and bait him my most fervent detractors (I see that there are many). So without further delay, here I leave a video summer for most fans of the genre.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3d Apártment Extreme

... Such a lonely day ... BLUE SKY

felt the emptiness around her ears pricking, wiping his eyes, tightening the center of the chest ...
was distracted and moved with the pains and miseries of others, trying acosta good feeling to find the suffering of others ... because he had vowed to stop feeling that life gave him a tiny smile that can restore the pile of dreams that always had a piece of wishful thinking ... for protection, at least those of a gray day .. .
had stopped throwing coins to the sources of desire ... to believe in luck and coincidence ... of missing her Fairy , because it had left ....
was allowed to look in the reflections from glass, mirrors, on the faces of otr @ s, the objects around her ... just stopped looking ... He saw his
effort slip through his fingers, work the haunted with disappointment ... the future in general saw opalescent veiled anguish and despair ...
was so long since felt that he put out the emotions that had lost the notion of the "whys", the "How" and "WHEN" ...
She had a life ... like every day ... except that made her the day I felt ...

- More morning caffeine, caffeine V! tomorrow! - was repeated, as her eyes slowly closed, lulled by the rumble of the bus that returned to his home ...

Safe Creative #1008117021894

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Follando Famosas Mexinacas

Men of steel, nickel kids

How did you get you into the world of metal? Probably most of you all began with their parents, uncles or grandparents while I put cd's Kiss, Maiden or something softer rock.
Personally I started in this world (as I said in a previous post) with the Maiden. His song dedicated to Dune "To Tame a Land" from Piece of Mind made me realize that this genus Music could open the door to a world I want. And it was.
heavy Today the world is a fad. What emerged in the 80's was a fad that spread to become a way of being, in effect, but today, the kids have become fashionable.

stereotypes with the public positions where we were heavys people violent, foul-mouthed, rowdy, delinquent, philandering and drunken have been brought increasingly under the carpet and we have been showing how people of all classes and social strata. But today that is not enough. Children start in this world for fashion.
remember all the shit I went through in my school for being the only Uncle heavy around the middle. Of course there were people who liked music or some time or another wore a wristband ... but normally ended up bowing to social pressure and becoming dirty chimeras Bacalar.
was an unwritten rule "If you like metal, are rare and, therefore, not leagues." The boys could not stand the lightness of their loved dirty and decided to become as cheap prostitutes, spike-haired freaks and poles Hilfiger.

Putting it in perspective you realize the values \u200b\u200bof each. Someone who stayed true to its principles and grew to say "I've always been like that and I am proud it "or someone who supports a small mouth" I was heavy before? "Honestly, I think we all know who to call a real man.
Youth (ah, divine treasure) is demonstrating that the metal has not died yet continues through his veins. But among the many complaints of why their parents would not let out until 3 am or why they can not go to those concerts in Germany and Finland made me realize one thing: I do not know if we are creating a new generation of men of steel or just keeping a generation of kids Nickel.

PD: Yes, I know, the picture is crappy deck, but I could not do anything much better soon xD