November 9
As I wrap a blanket as pancake
129 .- I love to read manga. It makes me laugh and mourn, many times ... for things that only I could feel identified.
130 .- The weekend that just passed has been one of the rarest. Saturday died of heat with the 33 th and Sunday had me walking in the rain and wore long socks for the 13 th they had.
131 .- My room is the coldest of all Winter and Summer is the hottest.
132 .- I have 20 years, presumably and take part of my big decisions, but still feel I do not know my way to take in life.
133 .- Sometimes I do not want to go home, not because they have problems, it is only because I feel bad about myself, that I am worth and do not deserve anything.
134 .- I like to review the hands of others and compare them with mine.
135 .- Perhaps I've said it before, but I repeat, I like hands with long fingers.
136 .- I DO NOT like a birthday, but I like receiving gifts.
137 .- In these last days I remembered how much you used to write, is nostalgic to see how I have been away from something that I like.
138 .- Sometimes, when I'm alone on the subway, at certain seasons, I have fear of meeting someone known to you no longer want to see again.
139 .- For a couple of simple words that I said I feel that anyone who claims to be my friend, I do not really have confidence. I can not blame him, because I do not trust anyone.
140 .- Every time I hear a piano melody breaks my heart a little. I want to learn to play piano in order to fix my heart.
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