These last few days I wanted to write about many things. Things like the positions that can take a man sleeping in bed with a woman which is one single bed (shown), classes of persons who are at a metal concert, tutorial to start making your own embroidered patches, chronic Concert Blind Guardian, 3 recommendations, movie, 2 book reviews and a new section of video game recommendation. Why
even any of that? Then out of laziness. The cold was dormant as a bear. Also because at least four of these issues and people talk too much.
After this slight introduction about what I'm doing and planning, I come to speak the hard fall in relationships.
happens that summer love fade away under the carpet the cold and what was burning passion to these dates it becomes distance and strangers.
tests, studies, jobs, birthday, family trips for Christmas .... precludes all healthy and appropriate use of a stable relationship and, therefore, becomes something as fragile as a walrus dancing figure skating on a frozen lake in Peru.
We all happened to have been abandoned (or have done) after what appeared to be an interesting relationship over the summer. Few today that you see with couples over two years and even fewer are those who see with the intention of owning something, but always happens when least expected talks and you find people with your same tastes, hobbies and passions. If this happens, the comfort and routine trap you in what we call a relationship!
you, I have three stages to follow:
- Make it a one-night: Nothing will go beyond a momentary physical feeling. If you get a third time with him / her, passed this phase.
- To transform on a roll: Admit it, how many times a roll was just a roll without one of them wanted something else?
- you've started the beginning of a beautiful friendship ... relationship: Eventually all this becomes roll. Jealousy is skin-deep and you recognize yourself smiling more often than they're used, but you are well and happy.
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can always put images chorras | |
is also another kind of couple, that even though the discussions, jealousy, blame, and others, continue together and trying to be as caramel the world even though his constant fights ... I hate them with all my being.
Sit down and enjoy the show, if you read this and you feel identified with any of these characters are exposed to is your decision to continue this or change it.
"Everybody knows it's better by you, better than me" - Judas Priest / Better By You, Better Than Me
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