This originally was a "note" I did on Facebook, but I liked the idea, I wanted to continue it ... ***
This originally was a "note" I did on Facebook, but I liked the idea, I wanted to continue it ... ***
Rules (as Facebook): Once you were tagged, you write a note with 50 random things (facts, habits or personal goals). At the end choose 25 people to etiquetar.Tienes to label the person who tagged you. If I tagged you is because I want to know more about you. Of title have to put 50 facts and confessions from (your name)
Here I come!
1 .- Why is everyone part by name?, Is something I do not understand ... q not saying that we must start well in the rules .... and why I ask this?
2 .- There are people tagged in this and I do not know why .... should be doing something more important, but as usual I'm taking a mini break
3 .- I hate people that force you to talk about how you feel, especially when they do the same ... if you do not want to say, if people do not trust, your business is just
4 .- For the reason of the 3 floor to avoid conversations with those people, because I find it hard to trust them, because I believe q if "interest so much for you "actually is a lie and they know all they want to know, you leave (as happened to me, but luckily I did not trust them and they, especially those )..... Although it may be that "some" of these people are the best in the world and also I am aware of this
5 .- I've only relied on those who never have forced me to say anything and in fact, understand me without me having to say anything ...... .. the truth is that since I have memory, they have always been counted on one hand
6 .- Do not know if I let myself down I get bored very fast or very fast people, I've never understood ... I do not understand it myself
7 .- I hate talking on the phone (never understand or hear what they say q), so I do not usually give my house .... and on the phone, blessed are the sms!
8 .- I hate people saying Sinitic worrying about you, but then you are the face, that I stand only once and from that moment cease to exist for my
9 .- When people disappoint me land away from them
10 .- I know that the more a person more chances you have to disappoint her
11 .- I've been lucky to meet very special people, under my care and concern .... I plan to never lose (I guess they know who they are nn q)
12 .- Re-reading what I wrote has been all about trust
-.- 13 .- I do not believe in the promises to me are another way to disappoint
14 .- They say that being pessimistic is bad, think the opposite .... when you do not expect anything is when you get the best surprises of life
15 .- Since I have memory, I love the movies, is what most use, what more I know and what never bore me
16 .- I wanted to study film and secretly took a special test to see if I accepted .... I passed, yet I continued with the following in my life
17 .- Life is based in stages, and finished some, others I'm finishing .... in order to start a new
18 .- When I was little, I thought the ice was made of clouds .... xD the clouds of sunset were the icing, the dawn of vanilla and chocolate were muddy clouds (hence, despite my undying love for chocolate, I do not like ice cream)
19 .- Another of my great loves, is literature, I always liked to read and I have never complained about it
20 .- I want to write a novel, so far is a trilogy (reminder: must end)
21 .- Two years ago, maybe three begun to like anime .... I do not even have seen the great classics xD
22 .- I never could pick one favorite movie, I have them chosen by categories
23 .- 23 is my birthday and so is my favorite number
24 .- I've noticed that I like to celebrate birthdays, congratulations for birthdays of anyone other than myself, I like to celebrate my own birthday
25 .- I hate surprise parties, provided catch you at the worst time xD
26 .- I have the Peter Pan complex
27 .- I love Peter Pan and cry when I read the biography of James Matthew Barrie
28 .- I realize that I know film more than my own life
29 .- I am delighted and I thank every day have a family that understands me so much that complements me well and with which I take as well
30 .- At the end of time the family is all that remains forever
31 .- I've noticed that I have complex about my height, perhaps because the Aladdin (my brother) ended up being taller than me and Diego (my second brother) is going to be much more
32 .- I like men with long hair, when I see one down the street makes me want to cut it
33 .- I like the hands (of men ) thin, very long, thin fingers, something delicate but strong .... I do not know, is something I've always set (other than your eyes)
34 .- I can hardly realize that I'm interested in someone, and when I can do always too late, as not my
35 .- I've noticed that I have several traumas
36 .- Since last year my allergies began to spring, created aroused by trees University
37 .- Last year I did the test to see my level of allergies, I was told that I am extremely allergic to cats, but I do not care, because I always liked and just live alone, I have a
38 .- The most treasured memories are good, yet I do not like living in the past, at least not in these times
39 .- I have something like the trunk Grandma's .... xD I get to keep all the things I like or that remind me of anything from a candy wrapper a. ... jiji wenu something important
40 .- One of my dreams was to get a tattoo, in fact I would at age 20 (this year -.-), but I decided to donate my organs (which I'm talking to my family), so until they assure me that in no way affects a tattoo, it makes me
41 .- I like men's clothes than women, they always have cute designs>. <
42 .- I was born in the wrong time, but I can not complain much of this
43 .- I think this year I I realized that my career really picked it, I'm motivated
44 .- From Sudala (Event Design) I have wanted to participate in a group (an illustration or design), I think it would be more interesting than an Agency .... and as my closest know, and are set targets
45 .- I wondered what things are transient, but at the same time I like to be so, so I decided I Hanami was my brand for future therefore represent well the idea
46 .- Scarlet Ohara hate leaving things for tomorrow and I suffer for my general Butler
47 .- I think sometimes I can be a pretty simple person, the problem is complicated by me every detail and makes me someone difficult to understand, even for myself
48 .- Someone told me that I left without giving reasons, to leave it behind and I forgot .... First: I never forget anyone that I know ... in fact, I make sure I keep good memories and keep me that way .... if I go away I think because I can not stand things not say to the face, because it means I really do not even have to tell me
49 .- This reminded me a note Gonx (a friend) .... the door that we closed ... I think all those doors (links) that I have left unlocked, I did with the hope of recovery, but it's time to leave it behind
50 .- With ups and downs, I think this has been a great year !..... and that it is not over * or *
51 .- As loathe to let me know at the last minute we're going to go>. < (lo peor es que ya soy experta haciendo maletas)

* Nana *
.... I feel so identified with this series and its characters ...
actually turned me crazy for it because I'm finishing the manga TT EDIT
.... I feel so identified with this series and its characters ...
actually turned me crazy for it because I'm finishing the manga TT EDIT
52 .- my sister is right (here I mean a friend who tell him it's my older sister) as I was my truth, my life jiiiji axis; I love LOVE SWEET
once believed
53 .- q while eating more candy when my tears would cry sweet
54 .- per se do not mourn because I like when I do, all I had endured tears start out, therefore, always ends up hurting me
heart 55 .- Before I had severe pains in the heart, was like a thousand needles q bury him and I pressed it, according to tests I never had anything but that did not remove the pain uu 56 .-
gave me such pain every time I was very nervous and I feel bad for something ... do not give me one and a half ago ....
about 57 .- I found one of the best people mundo que me gustaría que de veritas fuera mi hermanita mayor *-*.... sería la mejor, aunque ya lo es
58.- creo entender un poco más de todo debido a ciertas hipótesis n.n
59.- Tengo dos principales fobias: Aracnofobia y Hematofobia
60.- Aunque sea la araña más pequeña del mundo yo tengo q estar a mil metros de ella, no me atrevo a matarlas por eso siempre llamo a alguien (súper mami *o*)
61.- Nunca me he desmayado aunque creo que una vez estuve cerca
62.- Uno de mis sueños es ir a una tienda WONKA *O*
63.- Odio tener que ir a sacarme sangre, pero al menos siempre me dan chocolate after the session of vampires .... and all the nurses I do Nanai Nanai and challenge the cannibal q
juju took me 64 .- Two months ago I'm running away to avoid checkups
65 .- tubes? Tubes are NOT the ones you take are gallons of blood TT
66 .- I'm writing this for myself, I give the possibility that everyone can read it but I know very few will do q .... those few, are important
67 .- when they tell you, we will travel and we left at 7 am, is in reality that around 11, hopefully, we will be going
68 .- A Sometimes I blame it for things that should not have guilt, but as they need to blame to blame somebody and I end up making me believe that I have to blame
xD 69 .- jajajajajjaja with this number I remember my teacher a pervert, as I hated>. <.... igual le gane! ..... ja! creía que iba a salir con malas notas? ahí tiene! jum! (fui de las mejores juju)
70 .- I wonder how many will continue to write and even let me write what number facebook ..... I guess now I will, maybe if you need to disappear and disconnect for a while (so you can concentrate xD)
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