-Death in "Death Speaks of Life" of N . Gaiman and D. McKean
timidly remember my access to the world of sex.
time ago when I was too young and innocent in a world devastated by sexual decline, the presence of HIV and the rest of our partners, STDs, I lived happily without knowing almost nothing of sex. At that time still was not sure what he wanted, did not even know if wanted, of course, I only remember the misinformation (or worse, bad information) and the precocious teenager who had.
For the boys was a standard of rigor to lose their virginity as soon as possible in order to raise our social status to a more "fit" to our friends. By mere facts to get their hands or lean with a girl you qualify as a guru who had the answers of the happiness of men in power. Times were hard. The porn was limited and confined to movies hidden in corners of the house and perhaps some magazine smuggled subtracted some naive and innocent newsstand.
did not know anything. But I had two things clear: lose it when I was ready and always, always use condoms.
The first part was obvious to a kid. While some know my side of promiscuous (although as they say, is not always reciprocal) have always been a strong supporter of losing her virginity to someone who truly appreciate.

First drafts are shit. I particularly did not last long, for example, and talking with others, we know that almost never successful these early times. Hence the need for comfort and peace to someone you trust.
you know that you want, you need him, but usually the kids are saturated with the idea that sex is like porn, but ..... there is no greater mistake most of the time.
It is a fluid exchange. It comes down to that. One day you end up with the back full of scratches and a cigar in his mouth, smiling like an idiot and you realize how much crap you say in the act ... but I come back to do. Love is always good, but sometimes you need not worry about anyone but yourself and you have to let go, no? Just remember all those things that you like you are possibly able to get them alone with your partner, so treasure it well. Sex is more fun if you can trust the other person.
remember a comic. It was a special Sandman by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Dave McKean called "Death talks about life" in 1994. In this short but revealing the character number of the Endless, Death (younger sister of the protagonist of Sandman, Morpheus) talked about the sex. Counted as HIV, and formerly a fifth of the population had syphilis, and even with the help of a collaborator (John Constantine ) taught you how to put a condom but it broke. This simple
particular, no more than 8 pages, helped me greatly and a convenient way to introduce in this degenerate world. The first time you never forget, just remember that. The rest .... well, the rest is another story.
This story was what made me determine that in my life, always use condoms.
You only have to remember one thing, that person is attractive not mean it is a goddess or a god in bed. Think with your head sometimes.
Comics: "Death Talks About Life" by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
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