Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pennsylvania Coyote Hunting Tips
facing the fears, he has no fear ... maybe it's a silly but the truth is to be afraid of something that can be overcome ... that if it is a nonsense.
So for it, start again, to walk the same steps or choose different paths, but with the strength to be where it should be, where you have chosen. Just in the beginning, where I left off. Feel the feelings again then? Maybe.
But this time will be different, because I have other views, other prisms, other footwear, and things do not look alike, that good road trip is not so far led you, but how by the way, has been forward. Thus confirmed the rule that is not the summit itself, if not the way to get to it does not grow. For the wing, to travel, to keep walking, go for my head!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What Is The Drinking Age In Barcelona?
While still could not get my freedom
117. - Lately, I find it hard to sleep, it can only do so at about four o'clock. The next day I'm not tired, but still, I feel like something is missing.
118 .- With each passing day takes less for my birthday and although I do not want comes, I can not stop talking about that day is coming.
119 .- Another thing I do not want to accept is that I'm avoiding certain people.

120 .- Last week, in the 29 th International Book Fair in Chile, purchase "A cry of love from the center of the Earth" by Kyoichi Katayama (Japan is a best seller to me greatly delighted and moved.) While this week, bought my first manga (read much manga but never bought, I usually download them via the Internet), which was Volume two of "Nana" masterpiece of Ai Yazawa, one of my favorite artists.

I must admit that is my new crush, although I have no idea how physically.
123 .- It is what I learned on my birthday, so when the day comes I will have to put a face of surprise, it cost me, because it is something that I really like and that truth I did not expect (the DVD of the Pixar movie: UP).
124 .- Just now I was listening to a melody with violins ... I'd like to meet someone who can play in a professional and only one of these instruments that I like.
125 .- I realize I'm in love with an impossible ideal. I know I ask too much, but after all, dreaming is free.
126 .- In one of my walks, which is often lost in my city, I found an old stately building. However, this was conditioned to function as an apartment complex ... I could not help it and enter it. I uploaded some floors, until I noticed the echo produced for my own footsteps, and finish it scared me out as fast as I could from there, yet, I really liked.
127 .- The other day, while walking and saw the sky, a big man, tattooed handed me a business card belonging to the nearest tattoo. The fact that among all the people walking next to me, the guy just handed me the card to me, made me wonder if I looked like someone like that (however, do not complain, since one of my desire is to get a tattoo).
128 .- I think the simplest details of the world are the ones I make you smile
Friday, November 13, 2009
Will Hair Thicken After Getting It Thinned Out
Today is November 13
born 20 years ago ... just 10 days before I
It's amazing how people can distance themselves, whether temporary or physical distance, it is always sad to think about it ...
The truth is .... that sometimes, no matter how very close that we can be with someone, they always run the risk of being misinterpreted and so we ended up losing that bond that we cherish.
I think perhaps, though I do not like to admit it, I've always been scared by all that I consider friends ... I have to get the simple terror of losing my own and stupid pride. And though I know that I can not change.
... I often wonder if ...
Are my feelings reach you someday? -------------
song? Is "Kataomoi" performed by Chara, is the ending of Kimi ni Todoke my sleeve and how things are going, favorite series (not leave out all the works of Ai Yazawa and Mizu Sahara .... in fact many others)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Install Hidden Car Antenna

And you ... you'd be just as far and fuzzy ... able, further and more diffuse, it is almost impossible to approach me ... I can not find, or in ways for which there is, for what is not ...
Because I'm tired, that's impossible to sneak up on me fingers, when most are down to earth ...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Can You Close Your Eyes In A Tanning Bed

-me and would rise again ... and again ... and again ... until they fall over , that would "
really could do? ... when I think about the times you can whack it could have been avoided by sheer treachery ... and I did not, I think if it really was worth it ... I can not quantify my own defeats and victories, I think it would be a bit egotistical if I did ... but it would be very useful to be able to do so without guilt ...
I'm feeling the scrape that is to be, which was not yet, but is approaching ... I have a sneaking suspicion that it is easier to avoid some of the scar left me, but I have the certainty of knowing if I really want to avoid ...
is assumed that at some point ...
'm going to stop falling ...