opened his eyes and was embraced by the emptiness ... what a strange feeling, no? ... That feeling of pure helplessness ... there was nobody around. .. there were no more tears in their eyes ... no words were your mouth and not ideas hovering in his head ... there was nothing ... not only her Fairy was gone, his feelings and his desire as well ... was dry, but faded ... until his own fears had left ... was the right time to re-arm ... to be different ... not better or worse than before, just different ... it was time ... the clouds away ... and the wind brought the aromas of all the things that could remake it ... had to start running ... and he did ...
miso always happens to me ... always ... it's scary ... but I'm lost in my own imagination and time I slips through the fingers betrayed me and ended in the same platitudes that should not be assumed ... I can not keep piles attention on something ... maybe that's why my failure in any project or undertaking the long run ... I have the defect of impatience ... a terrible defect, which eventually bore all very, very Quick ... I was not going to spend the same this time ... which had grown at least in this area ... that was an issue to overcome some things ... I was wrong ... as it happens very often, not be so pessimistic as to say I was wrong ... always ... because I can not keep the attention on something more than me "out", which is usually provided little or no when I'm wrong ... Yes, because if I'm wrong, or any of the V is upset, there is undertaken with all ... anything useful, everything is amazingly useful and deserves huge amounts of attention ... that too is horrible ... makes me think that just being bad I can "deal" consistent thing ... and how do I deal with being right? ... I do not want to depend on momentary moods of sadness or fleeting to build ...
I would like to start something ... without getting lost on the way there ... at least pricipio ...
Much has been said about the 2012 , date suggests that anyone who reads it and suddenly the images from the book of John in the Bible seem to lean as well as other ancient writings, revealing what happens from here a few years. Some consider it a key date of the end times prophecies reference to Maya , ie the emergence of a new consciousness in humans that allows you to find that balance to advance and evolve whole in the world. At the same time begin to mention the now famous prophecies of Nostradamus, St. Malachy, and others.
One of the most interesting is the apocalyptic theory that predicts the approach of a massive planet will cause havoc on our planet, some call it Hercólobus the Mars (in the bible also speaks of a planet called "wormwood" , which would produce a grief so bitter as the name of the plant). This ocacionaria changes in the Earth's axis of the earth causing floods and terrible cataclysms that would wipe out the lives of many people on the planet.
All these prophecies or theories seem to gain strength especially when we begin to look a little to our Alred, when problems are made worse as global warming, pollution, violence, threats of conflicts between countries, or emergence of new diseases. I think most feared the worst with the appearance of H1N1 (Swine) , which brought many deaths and still hopes to be controlled as it is introduced only in some countries in the world.
But even so after reviewing all these prophecies to some point far from encouraging, most agree that there will be a positive change in humankind, that after a depuration doloroza will begin to awaken minds other more conscious psychology. Are we near the dawn of a new era in humanity? Is extraterrestrial civilizations visiting other signs that something amazing is about to happen? Will fulfill all apocalyptic and coming events of Christ, or is that perhaps all this is a cruel joke that will go desmoranando with the passing of days and so expectant arrival date?.
After all these questions left on my head the words that Michael expressed in his writings of Nostradamus for him is the man who ultimately decide their own destiny , however, then Can we change ours? we wake up to reality real or go on living this crazy dream?
Watch this video, if you can Watch it in full screen. .
"... at if I have to live" ... I said that L When I asked him how he had been thinking all day ... When I told him I thought he was playing, stuck with me as we usually do when we can afford to waste time together in windows computer programs ... windows share since we have 15 years or so ... those who knew how to make us complicit in our 'best miseries ", because who better than someone who is far to share those things that are infinite shame? ... with that comment I left a couple of days ... he said he felt that if she died at that moment in the place it was, nobody would realize ... I share many of my fears with him, many of their questions, many of their feelings towards others from my "generic" place ... I do not share that kind of thinking .. maybe I am too selfish to know that I care ... pains me to see that we are so vulnerable to ourselves as we would not be to anyone ... we think so as to generate such deep wounds heal only partially ... do you answer that? ... What do you tell a friend who thinks that? ... Or someone you know ... that we label tags to those around us are irrelevant for these things ... I do not know words to convey a hug ... one of those you up off the floor to show that someone sees you, you are seeing who is there to share his desire if yours are not available to infect you that you can be more ... I searched and searched for words the other day ... I tried to invent phrases that he could share with me if I'd hate to parameterize them to me or said no, before you share it ... my only response was a sincere but I think that gap: "In my mind I read you and your silence can be heard from here" ...