The truth is that I am a mess to have certain things, so I dedicate an entire entry by if he had not said before this year ........ started my career (I left the school last year and to my surprise I did well in psu, but I accept it, sacrifice me sick, and had well deserved it, if or if I had to enter).
Enter at the University of Santiago de Chile ( USACH ) to study advertising, is the only State University who teaches the race, so the graduates are well regarded in labor areas.
I must admit that at first I was not sure that was what really Advertising wanted, but I'm going to be almost a month at the race and I'm extremely happy and satisfied, although I am filled with work (not is so different from my school )..... I love the fact that all my creativity explode, part of the race is going to the clouds and imagine how unconventional, I really like.
Furthermore, as is the Chilean youth (let's face it, we are now much more consumerist than before) I have pasted pa while, jajajajaja. Greetings
................. BYE BYE !
PD : the videos are all Sony Bravia , I really like how they present their concept of "Color: not like Other "
PD 2: If anyone knows how to change the music in this program I have on the side (for how should I put my ) please help me !